5 Tips to Help You Have a Healthier, Safer Summer:
Summer is the season of picnics and BBQs and
all of the traditional processed foods
that accompany them. Consuming a diet heavy
in processed meats increases a person's risk
of developing cancer, and children who eat
more than 12 hot dogs per month have nine
times the normal risk of developing childhood leukemia.
Increase your intake of grilled veggies, salads, and a wide variety of fruits and skip the cancer causing processed meats.
#3. Make Your Own Ice Packs Here's a simple but important DIY for summer bumps and bruises that both kids and adults acquire: Combine 1 part rubbing alcohol with 3 parts water. Put in Ziploc bag & place in freezer. The ice pack gets really cold but doesn't harden so the pack can be manipulated. Athletes and moms - you'll need this! |