Many years ago, I worked in the professional beauty industry and had to attend a trade show just days after the death of a friend. I shouldn't have been there, really.
I couldn't work, couldn't think, and I was crying.... A lot.
Most people ignored my sorrow, but not David Wagner, a.k.a, "The Daymaker". He took me for a walk, let me talk about my friend, and gave me a copy of his book, Life As A Daymaker. While the sorrow was still there, his gesture left me with a warm glow of kindness that was like a hug on my heart.
We all know people who are a blessing to others, but have you considered what you can do to BE a blessing FOR others? David started the "Daymaker Movement", encouraging people to commit intentional acts of goodwill. I'd like to share just one act of goodwill from the Daymaker blog.
Steven in Seattle writes:
Recently, I was at a gas station getting a snack. A man came up to the counter next to me and gave the cashier $1.37, for gas for his car. I overheard this, and a few things crossed my mind. First, I was thankful that I am able to fill my own gas tank. Second, I felt empathy for the man with so little at that moment. Finally, the logo of the Daymaker website flashed across my mind and the tag line was, "FILL THIS MANS TANK!"I immediately plopped down my debit card to pay for a full tank of gas for the man. The man with $1.37 teared up.
The gas station employee teared up. And I teared up.
It was great! But, it gets better.
The lady behind me in line offered to buy the snack I was getting for myself. Then the man behind her offered to buy the milk she was in line to get. So we all had a moment, and then went our separate ways. The cashier asked me what to do with the original $1.37. He gave it to me, and all I could think of was to go outside and give it back. A few more tears were shared at the pump, and I walked away feeling 100% sure that I had gotten the most out making that man's day. It was great to see the Daymaker ripple effect among 4 strangers at a gas station on a rainy night in Seattle.'
I hope this idea will encourage you to consider the many ways in which you might "be a blessing" in the life of another with an intentional act of kindness.
Or, follow the Daymaker Movement on Facebook:
Need an idea? See my blog post at HowDoesShe? on paying blessings forward by making BLESSINGS BAGS this holiday season: