#1. Recent snow storms and record low temperatures have provoked some truly awesome acts of kindness across North America, and here are some examples:
(Kindness Mission #3)
Kelly will be featured in the Oprah whole-hearted living series with TED talk sensation Brene Brown as part of her e-course on "The Gifts of Imperfection". This was such a fun surprise and inspired me to pay it forward by honoring other Kindness Warriors.
#1. Subscribe to the NGD Newsletter (if you are already subscribed, ignore step 1)
#2. In the comments below, share an act of kindness that you have either committed, witnessed, received, or read about. You can tell the story, share a link to one that inspired you, or even nominate someone you know. A couple of story contributors will be chosen at random to receive something fun for participating.... (Hint: It has something to do with a favorite new find of mine :-)
Thanks for sharing the loving kindness,